Carla van Laar (20/05/2020). “LOCKDOWN view”. Ink and oil paint on canvas. 50cm x 50cm. Inverloch, Australia. This view has become very familiar during lockdown. It is the view from my ZOOM room where I have been spending so much …
Art Therapy First Aid
This experiential video workshop is designed to be a Professional Development training resource for Art Therapists and friends of Art Therapy. The video was filmed live during a training event in February 2020, soon after the devastating bushfires, and just before COVID 19 changed our lives.
In the video, you will:
*Learn how to adapt the core principles of psychological first aid into art therapeutic responses.
*Imagine the possibilities for working with your own community.
Watch with a friend or small group to make it more fun and interpersonal!
Allow 2.5 – 3 hours for viewing and activities.
Enjoy the special guest appearance by internationally esteemed art therapist Cornelia Elbrecht.
Art Therapy First Aid is an approach to working creatively and embodies the core psychological first aid principles of safety, calm, connection, efficacy and hope through community and art based practices.
Art Therapy First Aid adapts these core principles and responds to ever changing circumstances, culture and context.
Art Therapy in Response to Natural Disasters, Mass Violence and Crisis is a Jessica Kingsley publication edited by Joseph Scarce. Dr Carla’s chapter, “Art Therapy First Aid” is featured in this wonderful resource, and has gained the attention of international organisations, including the US Government’s art therapy program for veterans, “Creative Forces”.

Welcome to the online global community exhibition:
This exhibition provides an example of how the Art Therapy First Aid principles can be adapted to meet the needs of communities affected by different kinds of disaster.
Artists and creatives met the challenge of COVID-19 lock down through their arts practices. These art works are significant documents of an historic global event, they are a way of conveying experience and sharing stories, and they are a powerful medium for connection.
The Community Exhibition “COVID-19 Lock Down Art” took place during 2020, and provided a virtual place where artists could come together and exhibit these wonderful works.
Solo Cinco Tesoros – Only Five Treasures
Sister Maria Centeno. (11/05/2020). “Solo Cinco Tesoros” (“Only Five Treasures”). I used 2B pencil on cardboard of thread paper. Size: 21.5 cm X 28 cm. I am Venezuelan, born in Zaraza – Guárico state. I am currently living in Guarenas. “Solo …
An angel on earth.
Maitte Pérez (09/05/2020) “An angel on earth”. Made in pencil on Caribbean block cardboard, painted with wooden crayons and pastel chalks. I was born in Venezuela currently living in Caracas. This work of art was made as a tribute to …
Fire and Water.
Anna Jane Wilson, (Completed 6th May 2020). Height 76 cm Width 55. Acrylic paint. Australia. This piece I started during the 2020 bush fire and completed during Covid 19 lockdown. The title Fire and Water represents both periods. The flower represents …
Los desafíos de nuestra vida – The challenges of life.
Daniel Zapata, (23/04/2020). “Los desafíos de nuestra vida” – elaborada a lápiz, hoja blanca reciclada, pintada con creyones de madera. Tamaño: 77,5 cm x 84 cm. Soy de nacionalidad venezolana, vivo en la capital – Ciudad Caracas La principal fuente …
El comportamiento Humano – Human Behaviour.
Daniel Zapata, (23/04/2020). “El comportamiento Humano” – elaborada a lápiz en cartulina de block Caribe, pintada con creyones de madera y tizas pastel para reforzar detalles. Tamaño: 35,3 cm x 28 cm. Soy de nacionalidad venezolana y residenciada en la …
I see you, I know that you are sad that life as you know it: has gone.
Carolann Vassallo, (Created during March – April 2020 whilst staying at home due to the COVID19 restrictions). “I see you, I know that you are sad that life as you know it: has gone”. Art work was created through collage …
I create and give witness to my journey – I am with you, I give you permission to cry.
Carolann Vassallo, (Created during March – April 2020 whilst staying at home due to the COVID19 restrictions). “I create and give witness to my journey – I am with you, I give you permission to cry”. Art work was created …
Finding comfort in connection with others in isolation – Drinking and bathing from the well.
Carolann Vassallo, (Created during March – April 2020 whilst staying at home due to the COVID19 restrictions). “Finding comfort in connection with others in isolation – Drinking and bathing from the well.” Art work was created through collage and paint on …
The many faces I have revealed through this experience thus far.
Carolann Vassallo. (Created during March – April 2020 whilst staying at home due to the COVID19 restrictions). “The many faces I have revealed through this experience thus far.” Art work was created through collage and paint on A3 paper in …
Tomas Centeno. (03/05/2020). “Atilia”. I used watercolor and brushes on cardboard thread. Size: 24,5 cms x 32 cms. I am Venezuelan, born in Zaraza – Guárico state. Currently living in Caracas. The Venezuelan merengue, “La Negra Atilia” (, It song …
The Power of Being Held.
Linda Petho, (April 2020). “The Power of Being Held”. I have used acrylic paints and is 30 x 40 cms. Australia. I created this 2nd painting after the first one, “Being Held”. It is titled “The Power of Being Held”. …
Being Held.
Linda Petho, (April 2020). “Being Held”. Soft pastel on paper. Australia. Here is my a painting I created this week. It is not in my usual style, but I was inspired by the art therapy exercise we did during class …
Me and the tree.
Anja Zimmermann, (end of April). “Me and the tree”. Photograph. The Netherlands. Nature is so beautiful and peaceful at the moment. Everything is stunning green with a very blue sky. During one of my evening walks I stopped at a …
Thank and pray for Frontline workers.
Aradhana Rimal, (2020/04/22). “Thank and pray for Frontline workers”. 11/12″ canvas with acrylic paints. Nepal. During this lockdown I have done paintings that I would have ever done in my life. I tried free strokes, challenged my life as I …
The Meeting.
Dorys Centeno. (19/04/2020). “The Meeting”. I use 6B pencil and HB pencil on sheet of bond paper. Size: 14cms x 22cms. I am Venezuelan and I live in Zaraza, the Athens of the Guarico. We hope to meet again and …
The Light in Solitude.
The Light in Solitude Dorys Centeno. (14/04/2020). “The Light in Solitude.” I use crayons on sheet of bond paper. Size: 27cms x 22cms. I am Venezuelan and I live in Zaraza, the Athens of the Guarico. When each option is …
The Arrival of the Angel.
Dorys Centeno. (18/04/2020). “The arrival of the angel”. I use crayons on sheet of bond paper. Size: 22cmx 24cm.I am Venezuelan and I live in Zaraza, the Athens of the Guarico. When we believe that we are alone, the heavenly …
Matisse Fancy Couch
Philip Beadle. (March 2020). “Matisse Fancy Couch”. A3 Acrylic on Paper. Chadstone, Australia. First time I’d done something like this – it was really fun taking inspiration from other artists, yet realised I always want to make something my own!
Klimt Self-portrait.
Lucy Beadle. (April 2020). “Klimt Self-portrait”. A3 Collage & Gel Pens. Chadstone, Australia. I made myself a complex colouring in page! I found that I learnt about the nuances of colour and shape, and in some ways I felt his …
Things to do for a happy day.
Giulia Gnocchi (April 15th 2020). Oil pastel, marker on paper, 30x60cm. Melbourne, Australia. I’m on the other side of the world, far away from my family in Italy and unable to travel home because of the restrictions. I’ve lost my job …
Broken hearts.
Anja Zimmermann, (April 13, 2020). “Broken hearts”, watercolor, 40×30 cm. The Netherlands. I feel restless and sad these last days: free in my mind but captured in the outside situation.
Auspicious occasion of New Year 2077.
Aradhana Rimal. I made this from YouTube tutorial on the auspicious occasion of New Year 2077. I used 14/14″ canvas and acrylic colours. Nepal. The flowers represent our lives and the sun represent the power within. May our lives bloom …
Between Immensity and Nostalgia.
Lesbia Centeno (07/04/2020). “Between Immensity and Nostalgia”. This work is painted in water colour, ink, pencil and pastel stick on cardboard. Size: 13,5cms x 20cms. I am Venezuelan born, living in Maribyrnong, Victoria, Australia. Today the Immensity dresses in Nostalgia, showing …
A Middle Eastern night.
Jane Allardice, (3 April 2020). “A Middle Eastern night”. 61 x 61 cm. Acrylic paint on canvas. (My location): Melbourne, Australia I am interested in modern Islamic art which incorporates the beautiful architectural lines of its ancient buildings and was …
Safety Majors.
Aradhana Rimal, (09/04/2020). “Safety Majors”. I used 11/14″ paper and pencil colours. Nepal. I wanted to make something about this pandemic Covid-19, yet couldn’t think about what? So came up making something about Covid-19 safety majors. Now everyone knows about …
A moment within a Journey.
Leeza Stratford, (Started 6th Completed 7th April 2020). “A moment within a Journey”. Dimensions approx. 80cm x 60 cm. Acrylic on board. Maleny, QLD. Australia. She glanced backward to see all she had known fall away, A wave of fear surged upward …
Positive Energy.
colourful.rebelle, (06.04.2020) ‘Positive Energy’. Acrylic, 30 x 40. Amsterdam, Netherlands. I love bright colors. They give me energy and make me happy. Especially in this difficult period we need to stay positive and strong.
Even Good Omens May be Found In the Dark – 1
Laura Bauder, (04/3/2020).Title. “Even Good Omens May be Found In the Dark”. Dimensions: Approximately 9″X6.5″. Watercolor paper, watercolors, chalk pastels, sharpie markers. Sellersville, PA, USA. The process of art making is one that has fulfilled me my entire life. As …
Even Good Omens May be Found In the Dark – 2
Laura Bauder, (04/3/2020). “Even Good Omens May be Found In the Dark”. Dimensions: Approximately 9″X6.5″. Watercolor paper, watercolors, chalk pastels, sharpie markers. Sellersville, PA, USA. When I went to work in my altered book journal, I found that today’s page …
Hello spring.
Nita Rajbahakdate, (24 March 2020). Acrylic paint on recycled pallet woods. Kathmandu, Nepal. Inspired by the coming of Spring, this painting features lotus flowers in full bloom, with under water view of colourful koi fishes swimming, and pretty butterfly and …
A walk to remember.
Nita Rajbahakdate. (24th March, 2020) Acrylic paints on recycled pallet woods. Kathmandu, Nepal. Full of colours and romance. Scene of couple lovingly walking together along trees under the city lights in the evening. I have painted it in sweet rememberance …
My mother is a soldier.
Bina Adhikari (5th April, 2020). “My mother is a soldier”. HB pencil on paper. Kathmandu, Nepal. I am Major Bina Adhikari working in Nepali army. I myself is working for the safety of my people during this lockdown in Nepal. …
I am sweet
Mahima Nepal, 8 years old. (April, 2020). Markers on paper. Chuchepati, Kathmandu, Nepal. In the past years, during Summer season, I used to go out to eat ice-cream but this year due to COVID-19 there is lockdown in my country …
Home is the best.
Deepanshu Thapa, four years old. (March, 2020). Coloured pencils on paper. Kathmandu, Nepal. Please Corona go away from my home, school and from this world. I love to play with my father. He is in Australia doing a PhD. Because …
Man or Woman? No! Agender!
Rachel Rae Sabine (27/3/2020) “Man or Woman? No! Agender!” Posca Pens on Canvas. Melbourne, Australia. The first week of lockdown was very challenging for me. I lost jobs, struggled with not being able to see friends or family, my routine …
Succulent Mandala
Carla van Laar (01.04.2020) “Succulent Mandala”. Pastels, ink and acrylic paint on timber board. Inverloch, Australia. I am participating in art therapist Michelle Morgan’s Day Challenge for the whole month of April. Here’s my first mandala. I love painting from …
Giving Voice and Visibility to our Children in Lockdown- COVID-19
LR – 10 years old- 25th March 2020. Zoom Art Therapy session using Whiteboard drawing tool. This was our first session since COVID restrictions had come in and working with Zoom together.My client talked and then together we had a …
Series: Connecting with others – 1: Dr.Rosie Plunkett
Eileen O’Sullivan (24 March 2020), “Series: Connecting with others – 1: Dr.Rosie Plunkett”, 21.0 x 29.7cm, Marker on Paper, Dublin Ireland. Away from work, out of routine, out of contact with friends, I used drawing as a way to keep focused. …
Collage of Calm
Conny Weyrich, (Dates of making left to right: 19/3/2020, 29/3/2020, 31/3/2020). “Collage of Calm”. Photo of three collages – magazine images, found word poems. HxW 20cm x 50cm. Melbourne, Australia. On 16th March 2020, I began a daily process of …
Baby waiting while supports dwindle.
Ruth Rathjen-Duffton. (29/03/20). “Baby waiting while supports dwindle”. Approx size 5 feet by 3 feet. Australia. My daughter and I did this… we started when I was going to be allowed as a birth partner…finished when she found out I couldn’t …
Take it slow
Samantha Hickman, (March 2020). “Take it slow”. 28.5cm x 21cm. Materials: Collage. Location: Bath, UK. Collage is a calming method I utilize to explore, organize, and reframe scattered thoughts and feelings. Creating through found images helps me to focus and …
She stands
Maggie Date AThR. 19.03.2020. Ink, water, posca pen on A4 paper. Melbourne, Australia. The background was created in a dance class as I played with mediums as they made their marks. The next day I returned and found the beginnings …
Riding the waves…
Shannon Bradley, ATR-BC, LCATArtist and art therapist in NYC. “Riding the waves…” 11 x 14 oil pastel drawing. The metaphor of emotions as waves really resonates for me, especially right now. Fear, grief, despair, gratitude, love, uncertainty, relief, gratitude, more …
Ode to Holding Space
Abby Oxford. Created 3/24/20. “Ode to Holding Space” 4×6”, mixed media on paper. Pennsylvania, USA.This piece represents holding space for both ourselves and clients. It serves as a reminder for self care and reflection.
Glimmer of Hope
Lesbia Centeno. (26/3/2020). My art work is titled Glimmer of Hope. It is painted in water colour, pencil and pastel stick on cardboard. Size: 20cms x 13,5cms. In these days of home confinement my bedroom has become my art workshop …
Mother Earth Goes Inwards
Tara Patwardhan Kalra. Mother Earth Goes Inwards. A4 size – pens and pencils on drawing paper. Mother Earth is everything to all of us. She is the giver of life and the preserver of all of creation. It is her …
Form Created
Sarah Foley (March 24), title: Form Created.27cm x 32cm, wool, cotton, natural wood, Essendon. This artwork was made after a period of not feeling able to create, due to feeling overwhelmed. Once beginning, this piece, I felt calmer, feeling my …
Pagoda Tree
Jiancong (Eric) Zhang, Art Therapist/Artist.10cm x 12cm (Pagoda Tree/Photograph): Origami paper on round cork coaster. Melbourne During the COVID-19 lock down, all my volunteer works have stopped and classes have been cancelled. Ever since then, I have been self-isolating myself …
Home office day 2
Artist name: Anja Zimmermann, (March 17, 2020). “Home office day 2”. Photo. Netherlands. Now that we all work at home to prevent the spread of corona virus, I use the space to withdraw more into nature. It is still cold …
We rise, We fall, We rise again
Donika Fazliu. (16/03/2020) ‘We rise, We fall, We rise again’ 20cmx10cmCollage; oil crayon, ink, paper, board, glue, eucalyptus leaves. location: Melbourne My bubble of reality had just burst in regards to the seriousness of Covid-19, I was highly anxious when …
Room with a view
Tulin Bedri (24.03.20) I am a UK based art therapist. I am currently in France where strict lockdown procedures are in place. I did this sketch/ painting a couple of days ago. I reflected on how the red brick wall …
Walking Towards the Light
Jessika Behnecke26/3/2020Walking Towards the Light27cm x 38cmAcrylic, soft pastels + pen An intuitive art piece focusing on hope in our current crisis…’Walking towards light, opportunity + faith. Sending light out into the world and leaving the darkness behind’.
Time of Regenerative Consciousness
Victoria Martinez, (25/03/2020), “ Time of Regenerative Consciousness”. 22.9cm x 30.5cm on Bristol-Vellum surface, Graphic Markers, Canberra ACT. My image is a response to what I had visualised during my morning meditation. Creating an image after meditating helps ground me. …
Global Mind Connection
Kerstin Hilke. (21.01,20). Germany. I am an Art Therapist normally working with two another colleges in our small studio in Göttingen, Germany ( But we are not allowed to visit there at the moment, our painting groups are also locked …
‘Crone’s catharsis’
Chrissy Foreman. Monday 23rd March, 2020.Acrylic pens and watercolour brush in sketchbook. 32 cm x 12 cm.Redcliffe, Queensland, Australia. Something keeping me sane and grounded during this time is art journaling. I sit on my front deck, meditate in any way …
‘New perspective’
Chrissy Foreman. Wednesday 25th March, 2020.Ink pen and crayon in watercolour sketchbook. 16 cm X 12 cm.Redcliffe, Queensland Australia. Then this morning I woke up, and there was a little bit of space inside me. I went for a walk …
Kinder than Before
Donna McDonald ‘Kinder than Before’ (after a poem by Donna Ashworth) 20cms x 14cms (large postcard size); gouache on jasart paper. Albion, Brisbane. I’ve set up a Messenger chat-group with my close friends, ‘Cheerful Covid Captives’. We exchange Covid-inspired memes, jokes, …
Fallen Gum Leaves
Carla van Laar, (18/02/20), “Fallen Gum Leaves”. Dimensions Height 28cm x Width 18cm, ink, pastel and acrylic paint on canvas, Inverloch. These gum leaves fell on the out door table and seemed the perfect subject matter to sit with and …
Community Exhibition – “COVID-19 Lock Down Art”, you are invited to participate!
Artists and Art Therapists are rising to the challenge of COVID-19 Lock Down by making art! I have created a gallery on my website as a free and dedicated space where you can exhibit your artwork, and we can together …