Room with a view

Art Therapy Supervision

Tulin Bedri (24.03.20)

I am a UK based art therapist. I am currently in France where strict lockdown procedures are in place. I did this sketch/ painting a couple of days ago. I reflected on how the red brick wall is prominent… reflecting my mood at times. But there is a path and an opening to something beyond. I am hoping to keep a lockdown sketch book going. I find this both grounding and soothing.


  1. Marion Kahn

    Hi Carla, I understand the feeling of the red brick wall and the path. Beautiful conception. I’m working on a painting of the Western/Wailing Wall from a recent trip to Israel and Jordan. I think it might be fitting for your exhibition I appreciate your work as an art therapist.

  2. Carla

    Hi Marion, thanks so much for your message! This work is by Tulin Bedri from the UK. I moderate the site and post up all of the art work that is submitted, so my name does appear on all the posts! I relate to the red brick wall very much myself, as in my previous home of ten years the small urban courtyard was surrounded by red brick walls. It was at times an oasis, I loved the comforting solidity and warmth of the red bricks. And at other times my eyes just craved to see to the distance, beyond the wall. I hope you will send in your own art soon Marion! x Carla.

  3. Tamiflu

    Al jong was Carla van Laar ge nteresseerd in kunst. In een gezin waar lapjes en draden nooit ver weg waren, lag het voor de hand dat ik een opleiding textiele werkvormen deed en ik spon, weefde, borduurde en naaide kleding. Later wilde ik monumentaler werken en gebruikte stoere materialen zoals oud lood, hout en vilt en maakte ik wand- en ruimtelijke objecten. De laatste ontwikkeling is het werken met vilt, potten, kussens, kleedjes en wanddecoratie.

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