RHYTHM IN FLOW with Jodie Rahda Lynch

Rhythm in Flow - Dance Meditation

Dancing is a way of knowing ourselves beyond the physical.
Dancing is a way of processing what is stored in the body
Dancing is a way of integrating change
Dancing is a way of transformation, shifting and sorting old patterns, digesting life
Dancing is a way to allow our joy and lightness of being

An opportunity to experience Ecstatic Dance through intuitive movement.

Actively become embodied through grounding and self awareness. 

Intuitive movement brings you into balance with your 3 perceptive centres – the minds’ thought, hearts’ intuition and guts’ instinct.

Rhythm In Flow Dance – will ground, open and expand you. It is both tender and gentle; strong and vigorous. The inspiring music is diverse and chosen to take you on a journey deep into the fabric of the temple that is your body. Drums, didgeridoo’s, orchestral instrumentals, soulful music that invokes a deeper relationship with full self expression. 

The dance is spaciously facilitated. You will be encouraged to soften and surrender to enable deeper receptivity. Guided to explore your movement and inner landscape and to ultimately say yes to yourself and what is unfolding. 

“Remove your shoes, soften your gaze, breathe and come home to the temple you live in”

“Shake and shift your internal landscape; stir up stuck stagnant energies; open stretch expand your body into new shapes, new pathways of movement, new ways of knowing yourself.”

“Becoming the dance – that is the mediation”

This journey begins with setting an intention; dancing for an hour; laying in stillness; finishing with an opportunity to share your process. Dancing for yourself within a group creates a dynamic container that holds the collective and supports the individual – connection and community are formed.
Dance barefoot; wear comfortable clothes you feel like celebrating yourself in.
Herbal tea and filtered drinking water available.

About Jodie

Jodie Rahda is a highly experienced and passionate professional Pilates Instructor, Dance facilitator, and the owner of Saltwater House Inverloch – a health and wellbeing center. Jodie has trained to a high level in ballet and has also studied performing arts. Her expertise and experience in different forms of dance and movement practices are evident in her work, where she helps people find joy through embodied practices.
At 54, Jodie understands the importance of keeping ourselves active and energized. She believes that dance and movement not only benefit our physical health but also contribute to our mental and emotional wellbeing. Her own journey of Ecstatic Dance has been transformative and medicinal, which inspired her to create Rhythm in Flow dance.
Rhythm in Flow dance is a weekly class held at Saltwater House where Jodie creates a safe and non-judgmental space for people to express themselves freely through dance. Additionally, once a month, under the full moon, the class is held outside on private property, allowing people to connect with nature while moving their bodies.
We are thrilled to welcome Jodie a a facilitator at the 2024 Creative Mental Health Forum and Collective Care Retreat.

The documentary of last year's event provides a glimpse into what it means to participate in the Creative Mental Health Forum:





want to learn more about creative mental health,
be inspired by holistic and diverse workshops and presenters,
connect with like minded practitioners,
and “refill your well” with time in a beautiful nurturing environment and space for self care.

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