Dr Carla van Laar MCAT Prof Doc ThAP
PACFA reg. Clinical 27769
PACFA accredited supervisor
Arts Practitioner, Educator, Researcher and Therapist
“With over 25 years experience working with people to enhance life through art, I am committed to creativity and the arts as ways of enriching the lives of individuals, communities and our global society. Art can promote wellness, communicate, enliven, empower and stimulate social change. I love to work with others with similar values as together we create ripple effects that continuously expand. When we work together using the arts and our imaginations, the amazing, surprising and unexpected become possible.”
Areas of Expertise
Arts for Health, Healing and Well-being
Practicing and Exhibiting Artist
Art Based Research
Art Based Education and Training
Community Cultural Development and Capacity Building
Facilitation, Presenting and Public Speaking
Project Management
Mentoring and Volunteers
Youth Participation
Relationship Building and Partnerships
Responding to Trauma
Curriculum Development
Retreats and Residential Eco-therapy
Cross-Cultural collaboration
Doctor of Therapeutic Arts Practice,The MIECAT Institute, 2019
Master of Creative Arts Therapy, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, 2001
Graduate Diploma, Creative Arts Therapy, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, 2000
Graduate studies, Grief and Loss Counselling, Victoria University, Melbourne, 2002
Graduate studies, Computer Mediated Art, Victoria University, Melbourne, 1998 – 1999
Under Graduate studies, Media & Sociology, Swinburne University, Melbourne, 1995
Advanced Certificate of Art and Design, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, 1992
Certificate 4 in Education and Training, HBA Learning Centres, 2011
Certificate 4 in Small Business Management, RMIT, 2011
Narrative Therapy approaches to working with adolescents, Michael White, 2006
Narrative responses to violence, Michael White week long intensive, 2005
Certificate of Acting, Swinburne University, 2001
Senior First Aid Certificate, St John’s, 2005, updated
Mental Health First Aid Certificate, 2008
Yoga Teacher Studies, Vivekenunda Institute, 2003
van Laar, C. (2001). Snapshots of a bereaved mother’s heart: An heuristic arts inquiry into being a bereaved mother. (Unpublished master’s thesis). RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia.
Lacy, J., Michaelson, R., & van Laar, C. (2007). A safe distance: An intermodal approach to creating a country retreat for city girls who have been abused. In V. A. Camilleri (Ed.), Healing the inner city child: Creative arts therapies with at-risk youth (pp. 282-300). London, England: Jessica Kingsley Publishers. (https://books.google.com.au/books/about/Healing_the_Inner_City_Child.html?id=PwhV8zHl9mwC&printsec=frontcover&source=kp_read_button&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q&f=false)
Rumbold, J., Allen, J., Alexander, L., & van Laar, C. (2008). Knowing together differently- Intersubjective responding. In P. Liamputtong & J. Rumbold (Eds.), Knowing differently: Arts-based and collaborative research methods (pp. 297-325). New York, NY: Nova Science. (https://trove.nla.gov.au/work/35110272?q&online=true)
van Laar, C. (2008). Bereaved mother’s heart. Bendigo, Australia: St Luke’s Innovative resources. (https://innovativeresources.org/resources/books/bereaved-mothers-heart/)
van Laar, C. (2012). Chill skills: an eight session program for supporting students to build skills in managing anxiety. Melbourne, Australia: School Focused Youth Services and headspace Western Melbourne. (https://www.academia.edu/3608606/Chill_Skills_-_working_with_young_people_to_build_resilience)
van Laar, C. (2013). Nicola sings a response. ANZJAT, 8(1), 56-57. (https://anzacata.org/resources/Files/11_ANZJAT/ANZJAT-2013/7-ANZJAT-2013-CvL.pdf)
van Laar, C. (2017). The art of recovery: One day at a time. ANZJAT, 12(1), 46-49. (https://anzacata.org/resources/Files/11_ANZJAT/ANZJAT-2017/8-ANZJAT-2017-CVL-a.pdf )
van Laar, C. (2019). Seeing her stories: Finding a place in the landscape of art therapy literature. ANZJAT, 14(1), 15-25. (https://carlavanlaar.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/Seeing-her-stories-article-4.ANZJAT_2019-CvL.pdf)
van Laar, C. (2020). Seeing her stories. Carlavanlaar.com publishing: Melbourne. (https://carlavanlaar.com/seeing-her-stories/)
Neville, A., & van Laar, C. (2020). The balancing act: Performing stories of our practice within systems of the state. JOCAT, 15(1), 64 – 73 (https://www.jocat-online.org/a-20-neville-vanlaar)
van Laar, C. (2021). Art Therapy First Aid. In J.Scarce (Ed.), Art Therapy in Response to Natural Disasters, Mass Violence, and Crises. Jessica Kingsley Publishers. (https://aus.jkp.com/products/art-therapy-in-response-to-natural-disasters-mass-violence-and-crises)
van Laar, C. (2023). Interest, Enablement, Joy, and Meaning: Listening for What’s Life Enhancing About Sharing Our Stories Through Art. Psychotherapy and Counselling Journal of Australia, 11(1). https://doi.org/10.59158/001c.77540
McDevitt Weston, M. and van Laar, C. (2024). What’s beneath our feet? Cultivating Cultural awareness through arts-in-nature with Australian children and young people. In Z. Moula and N. Walshe (Eds.), Arts in Nature with Children and Young People: A Guide Towards Health Equality, Wellbeing, and Sustainability. Routledge.
van Laar, C., Bloch-Atefi, A., Grace, J., & Zimmermann, A. (2025). Empowering voices—Learning from NDIS participants about the value of creative and experiential therapies: A mixed methods analysis of testimonials and academic literature. Psychotherapy and Counselling Journal of Australia. https://doi.org/10.59158/001c.128556
Professional experience
Carlavanlaar.com 2019 – current
- Creative Arts Therapy for individuals and groups
- Professional Development workshops for therapists, allied health professionals, and educators
- Clinical Supervision for creative arts therapists, counsellors and psychotherapists
- Founder and Director, Creative Mental Health Forum and Collective Care Retreat
- Initiator, Inverloch Pop-Up ART CO.
Lecturer, The IKON Institute 2012 – Current
- Bachelor of Arts Therapy course development
- Experiential education
- Supervision and assessment
Artist Fellow, Creative Research Lab, RMIT University 2018
- Artist in residence at ‘Creative Agency’ where my role was to create artworks in and around RMIT as a creative disruption to the academic tradition
Principal Therapist, VincentCare Young Adults Counselling Service 2016 – 2018
Generate referrals liaising with key stakeholders who are housing service providers
Provide individual therapy for young adults experiencing homelessness
Facilitate group work including mindfulness, somatic experiencing and art therapy
Offer secondary consultation for case managers
Founding Director, aHa (Arts Health Australia) Studio and Gallery 2008 – 2018
Established independent Creative Arts Therapy access gallery and studio in Brunswick 2009
Host and curate exhibitions of art works related to health, empowerment and social action
Host and facilitate professional development training, supervision, creative workshops and therapeutic sessions
Undertake a range of art-based consultancy, lecturing and research for community, arts, health, justice and educational organisations
Senior Advisor and Facilitator, The Art to Healing Project 2010 – 2017
Provide expertise in the use of art-based, somatic and community capacity building approaches in working against the problem of international sex trafficking of women and children
Develop training programs for staff of NGOs working for the empowerment of sex trafficking survivors and building communities of resilience
Facilitate cross-cultural training intensives in Nepal including: holistic arts therapy, trauma, attachment and art therapy, and recently art therapy first aid training in the wake of the Nepalese earthquakes
Acting Head of School and Head of Faculty – Art Therapy, The Phoenix Institute of Australia, 2012 – 2013
Provide leadership for the delivery of Art Therapy education programs at Diploma, Advanced Diploma and Bachelor levels
Support student engagement and academic progress
Manage and develop team of 20+ sessional staff
- Supervise arts based projects and research
New course development – wrote Diploma of Holistic Arts Therapy with successful accreditation
Supervise Holistic Counselling Service
Senior Project Manager, Headspace Western and Northern Melbourne 2009 – 2010
Managed arts based and community projects, staff and key stakeholder relationships at executive, community and internal levels including;
Drink? Think. Drama project for young women 18 – 25 exploring binge drinking
Visionary Images health promotion posters project
Men’s health week event with Western Bulldogs
headspace@schoolspace whole school project at Werribee and Galvin Park Secondary Colleges
“What’s in your headspace?” Mental health awareness raising in schools
YAC Youth Action Committee
Framework for coordinated community capacity building by a group of core mental health agencies
Community Capacity Building Manager, Headspace Western Melbourne 2008 – 2009
Developed a staff team to support the aims of hWM in providing quality accessible early intervention mental health care for young people
Development of youth friendly projects utilising the arts, drama, multimedia and the web
Delivery of awareness raising programs and projects to over 4000 students within the Western region of Melbourne’s schools, sports clubs and other organisations
Initiated and delivered accredited education, training and development, for young people, over 300 professionals and families. Topics included; SEE Young People – Screening and engaging early, Can Do young people, Working with families and significant others, Anxiety – the links with student learning
Obtained over $80,000 of funding in a twelve month period for projects including the granting of a NAB schools first award, three rounds of School Focused Youth Services funding for work in schools and the development of a training manual for School Welfare Coordinators, and Victorian Women’s Trust funding for a drama based binge drinking prevention project
Worked with community groups to strengthen community capacity for supporting and responding to the mental health needs of young people
Established, supported and provided development opportunities for the Youth Action Committee to ensure youth participation in the development of hWM
Supervised Education, Social Work, Community Development and Project Management students on placements from Victoria University
Clinician, Royal Children’s Hospital, Melbourne. Adolescent Forensic Health Service (AFHS), Male Adolescent Program for Positive Sexuality (MAPPS), 2005 – 2008
Member of a multi-disciplinary team in which I was responsible for general clinical duties
Offered a specialist contribution through the development of sexual offence specific therapeutic intervention programs utilising narrative, cognitive behavioural, art, drama and outdoor adventure methods
Assessment and treatment of adolescents who have been found guilty of sexual offences, state wide
Preparation of assessment and risk management advice for the Courts and Department of Human Services (DHS)
Management of relationships with clients, families, case managers, other service providers, community based organizations and key stake holders
Facilitation of group, family and individual sessions
Provision of training and professional development for DHS, AFHS and other services
Fortnightly trips to Mildura providing services for rural clients and liasing with regional partners including Indigenous community members
Supervision of placement students
Mentoring Program Coordinator, Young people in the custodial youth justice system, Whitelion 2002 – 2004
Researched and developed best practice mentoring program model in consultation with steering committee including ;
Promotional material, presentations, interviews, speaker at corporate, sporting and arts events
Event management including celebrity games challenges, touring exhibitions, public performing arts, cultural festivals, trivia challenges and adventure / therapeutic camps
Screening of volunteers including police checks, interviews and referee checks
Development and delivery of training program including alcohol and other drugs education, personal safety, cultural awareness, cycles of abuse, narrative and solution focused approaches to interaction, listening skills, ethical guidelines and self care
Supervision and support of over 200 volunteer mentors
Initiated over eighty mentoring partnerships between volunteers and young people in the Youth Justice system.
Coordinated and facilitated numerous group programs, liasing with Melbourne Youth Justice Centre and Parkville Youth Residential Centre, coordinating volunteer involvement, generating donations of goods and services and attracting celebrity guests for programs such as Art Room activities, Rock climbing, Surfing, Gokarting, Movie nights, Dinner Parties, Adventure activities and Games nights.
Within two years attracted funding grants in excess of $450,000 to Whitelion from the Alcohol Education and Rehabilitation Foundation and other funding bodies for expansion of the program.
Consultancy Experience
Department of Human Services, Youth Justice, Loddon-Mallee Region 2015
• Flying Art Therapy services to young men on community based orders
Integral Psychology
• Develop and facilitate art based and experiential workshops for participants of wellness retreats on location in Hepburn Springs and Ubud, Bali.
The MIECAT Institute -Melbourne Institute of Experiential and Creative Arts Therapy – 2008 – 2017
Guest Lecturer, Graduate Diploma of Experiential and Creative Arts Therapy program
- Supervisor, Master’s students
Victoria University – 2014-2015
• Researcher, the Ageing and Creativity project partnership with Footscray Community Arts Centre
Arts Victoria Invited Panel Member 2010
• Member of the peer review panel selecting and allocating funding round of Community Arts Grant
RMIT University Melbourne. Master of Creative Arts Therapy Program. 2001 – 2007
Supervision of students on field placement
Program development
Member of course advisory committee and higher degrees committee
Supervision of minor thesis and assessment of Master’s candidates
Lecturer in the following courses: Therapeutic relationships, Diverse client groups, Creative arts therapy, Art as experience, Advanced studio workshops
Child Sexual Abuse Prevention Program (CSAPP) 2001 – 2007
Retreat Leader and Facilitator for young women who have been sexually abused
Planning and facilitation of therapeutic activities to promote personal safety and empowerment
National Child Abuse Prevention Award winning group work in primary, secondary and special schools
Topics included: Bullying prevention, Self esteem and resilience, Protective behaviours, Suicide prevention, Positive body image
- Creative arts therapy sessions with individual students as follow up to disclosures of sexual abuse
Conference Presentations 2000 – current
ANZACATA, Convergence: Cohesion in Diversity, Conference, Perth, 2018
ANZA T A (Australia and New Zealand Arts Therapy Association) and ACATA (Australian Creative Arts Therapies Association) joint conference, Invited Presenter, Adelaide, 2015
Evidence in a Different Form, Search Conference, Invited Facilitator, Bendigo, 2014
Wild Mind, Generative Eco-conferences, 2013 (organising committee) and 2014
ANZATA (Australia and New Zealand Arts Therapy Association), Singapore 2014 and Sydney 2013
British Psychodrama International Conference, London, 2014
Arts and Health, Sydney 2013
Lighthouse Foundation’s Trauma and Attachment Focused conference, Melbourne 2013.
Birds of a Feather (Multi-disciplinary Arts Therapies Organisations), Invited Presenter, 2012
Bali International Art Therapy Conference, 2012
ANZATA (Australia and New Zealand Arts Therapy Association), Brisbane, 2011
Heads Up! The First International Youth Mental Health Conference, Melbourne Exhibition Centre, 2010
International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, University of Illinois, 2009
Headspace Collaborative Learning Network, University of Sydney, 2009
VOTA, (Victorian Offender Treatment Association) conference, Melbourne, 2007
ACA T A (Australian Creative Arts Therapy Association) conference, Melbourne, 2007
ANZATSA (Australia and New Zealand Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abuse) conference, Gold Coast, 2006
ACATA (Australian Creative Arts Therapy Association), “Expanding your horizons – the future of Creative Arts Therapy in Australia” conference, Melbourne, 2006
International Conference of Mothering and Subjectivity, Brisbane, 2005
SANDS (Stillbirth and Neo-natal Death Support), National Conference, Melbourne, 2005
Shifting Signs, new directions in research conference, RMIT University, 2000
- Creative Arts Therapy Annual Colloquiums, 2000 – 2004
Arts Project Coordination, Development and Facilitation 1991 – 2001
Boomerang Club, Moonee Ponds, Arts Therapy sessions culminating in exhibitions and community arts projects for adults with mental health problems, 2001
Department of Human Services, Northern Metropolitan Region, Juvenile Justice Unit “Arts Express”, Arts Therapy sessions and group exhibition with young women in Juvenile Justice, 2001
CERES Community Environmental Park; Kingfisher Festival, costume workshops with groups of people with disabilities, 2001
Royal Children’s Hospital, Parental Bereavement Support Group, Art based, Mandala Workshop, “How can I be whole now?” 2000, presentation of master’s research, 2001. Both sessions reviewed in the parental bereavement support newsletter.
Brunswick Kindergarten, Artist in residence. Worked with the children to explore the theme “river of learning” as a metaphor for diversity through movement and music, produced sea creature ceramic tiles and built a mosaic seating wall, 2000
Gumnut Childcare and Kindergarten, Creative Music and Movement for children,1998-2000
St. Joseph’s Aged care hostel, Creative Arts Therapy workshops for the hostel residents incorporating the use of art mediums, poetry and drama to foster personal relationships and orientation for new residents, 1999
Melbourne City Mission; Group murals with teenagers with disabilities, 1999
Darebin Youth and Recreation Services, “Start up Art” workshops, innovative Art & Relaxation for young adults with disabilities 1997-1998
Northcote Library, Creative Workshops for bereaved parents 1997
Melbourne City Mission, Art Therapy for pre-school children with special needs 1996
Reverse Garbage Truck, Travelling art workshops in Primary schools, Kindergartens and day programs for young adults with mental illness 1995-1997
Northcote Preston Helping Hand Association, Art sessions for older adults with intellectual disabilities 1991-1994
Artist in Residencies 1996 – 2003
Fitzroy Primary School, community stories mural project, 2003
Whittlesea Community Festival, “a wish for the future” installations 2002
La Trobe University, student café mural and renovation, 2000
Collingwood College, “The Island”, mural, 2000
Preston Girl’s Secondary College, ceramic mural project, 1999
Brunswick Kindergarten, “river of learning” mural, 1998
Northcote Aquatic Centre, “swimming is for everyone” mural, 1997
- Batman Park Kindergarten “our backyard”, “sunflowers” and “a tree for me” murals, 1996
Public Artwork 2001 – 2006
SWELL Sculpture Festival, Gold Coast, exhibiting artist, 2005 – 2006
Spiral For Peace, Community Ritual and Giant Spiral Candle Installations, 1000’s of people participated, Brunswick, Northcote, Apollo Bay, Reservoir, 2001-2003
- Fairfield Community Health Complex, decorative steel and stained glass screen for front of the new community health complex, commissioned by Darebin Council. Station St Fairfield 1999
Exhibiting artist 1993 – current
The Artist’s Guild Gallery “Unsung Spaces”, an exhibition of artworks created during my Artist Fellowship at RMIT’s Creative Agency, 2018
- OffShore Surf School “Invy Calling” an exhibition and Summer Artist in Residency in a coastal Victorian surfing community.
aHa Studio and Gallery Brunswick, “Transition”, 2018
aHa Studio and Gallery Brunswick, “Brunswick Backstreets”, 2017
aHa Studio and Gallery Brunswick, “Recent works”, 2016
aHa Studio and Gallery Brunswick, “INHABITED”, 2014
aHa Studio and Gallery Brunswick, “Some Small Matters”, 2013
aHa Studio and Gallery Brunswick, “In My Nature”, 2013
aHa Studio and Gallery Brunswick, “Seeing her story”, 2010
Phillip Island Community Gallery, Cowes, “Seeing her story”, 2008
Melbourne Institute of Experiential and Creative Arts Therapy, Fitzroy, “Seeing her story”, 2007
Anne Middleton Gallery, Albert Park, “Oceana Australis’, 2006
Libation Café Bar Gallery, Sydney Rd Brunswick, “Have you been here?” 2005
Mantra Lounge Bar @ Saffron, Gold Coast Highway, Broadbeach, “Still / Going” 2005
Northcote Library, Separation St. Northcote, “MOOVin”, images exploring transition, 2005
Royal Women’s Hospital, Women’s Health and Information Centre, Carlton, “One Broken Heart Beat” 2000
Northcote Library, Separation St. Northcote, “Come Down Angel”, 1997
Ultra Violet, High St. Northcote, Darebin Festival, Window Installation, 1997
Seven Sisters Cafe, High St. Northcote, 1996
Col’s Cafe, Smith St. Collingwood, 1996
The Women’s Gallery, Brunswick St. Fitzroy, “Beautiful Monstrosity” Installation, 1995
- Mort and Pleasure Gallery, Queen’s Parade Clifton Hill, Recent works, 1993
Community Service 1999 – current
Senior Advisor and Co-facilitator, the Arts 2 Healing Project, arts therapies with survivors of people trafficking in Asia, including cross cultural workshops with women in Nepal, 2009 – 2017
Painting workshop facilitator, “The Hero’s Journey Exhibition”, Melbourne 2015
Fundraiser, Yoga Education Institute School for street children, Varanasi, India, 2010
Fundraiser, Cambodian Kids Foundation, Schools for Cambodian children, 2010
Presenter, Radio Mama, 3CR Community Radio, 2004 – 2008
Coordinator, March for Children, a call for protection of children from sexual abuse, 2002
President, Committee of Management, Brunswick Kindergarten, 1999-2000
Art Therapy Assistant, Royal Children’s Hospital, Melbourne, Oncology, 1998-1999
Kinder Assistant, Uncle Bob’s Kindergarten for children with special needs, 1997-1999
Associations and Committees
Clinical Registrant PACFA 2021 – current
Professional Member ANZACATA 209 – 2021
Professional Member ACATA, Association for Creative Arts Therapists Australia. 1999 – 2018
Founding President 1999 -2001, President 2011 – 2012