Daniel Zapata, (23/04/2020). “El comportamiento Humano” – elaborada a lápiz en cartulina de block Caribe, pintada con creyones de madera y tizas pastel para reforzar detalles. Tamaño: 35,3 cm x 28 cm. Soy de nacionalidad venezolana y residenciada en la capital, Caracas
Esta obra de arte la culmine con la idea principal de criticar de forma implícita los diferentes aspectos del comportamiento humano y las consecuencias que tienen nos lleva hacia las aptitudes positivas, como también negativas; por esta razón deje ver en el dibujo como si las capacidades sobresalieran cada una con su propio color para que se noten las emociones; y al combinarlas tras un conflicto, dialogo, chismes, etc. Toda esta energía se mezcla lo que afecta rotundamente al planeta tierra como si fuera otro sol
Daniel Zapata, (23/04/2020). “Human Behaviour” – made in pencil on Caribbean block cardboard, painted with wooden crayons and pastel chalks to reinforce details. Size: 35.3 cm x 28 cm. I am from Venezuela and I live in Caracas.
This work of art culminates with the main idea of questioning the different aspects of human behaviour and the consequences they have that leads us towards positive as well as negative abilities; for this reason, I show it in my drawing as if the capacities stand out each with its own colour so that the emotions are noticed; and when combining them after a conflict, dialogue, gossip, etc. All this energy is mixed, which affects the planet earth as if it were another sun.
Daniel! Thanks so much for contributing your artwork. Human behaviour is indeed endlessly fascinating! In seeing your artwork and reading your words, I can’t help hearing Bjork’s song by the same name in my mind’s ear. I get the sense that time in lockdown has been a time of contemplating and creating for you! 🙂 Carla.
Daniel Zapata
Gracias por su comentario Sra. Carla 😀